Sunday, February 12, 2012

Board Games Night

Editorial Note: Okay....I realize that it is TECHNICALLY Sunday but I've decided to treat my days like the bars do. The 'day' isn't over until I go to bed, kinda like the 'until they close the bar for the night'. Today was a busy day, museum sleepover done by 9am, met my sister and friend for breakfast directly after, shopped with them in the morning, exhausted by 2pm, went home and napped until 5pm, left to pick up my sister-in-law and went to friends for the evening. Totally planned to be home no later then 11:30pm so that I would still have time to post, that didn't happen. Just got in the door now, at 1:30am. So give me props that I still opened my laptop rather than just going to bed and saying f**k it!

Tonight my sister-in-law and I went to our friends to play board games, something we haven't done in a few months and was long overdue. We didn't bother to invite my husband even though the guy friend is his best friend as he does not like board games and I hate continuously reminding him of the rules through out a game only to have him win because we all helped him out. I, on the other hand, LOVE boardgames, specifically strategy games. I'm not a huge fan of games that rely to much on the luck of a dice roll but a game that I have to think hard to play is one of my favorite socializing things to do.

They had just purchased a few new games through an online dealer we had discovered 3 years ago when we were attending Fan Expo in Toronto (yes, I am a geek, married to one and friend with many), called Fun Games Cafe. We decided to try one of their new purchases called Letter from Whitechapel. I think it definitely was one that we will fit into our rotation and after the rules were completely explained very engrossing.

{Letters from Whitechapel is a crime and investigation game, created by the same game designers of Garibaldi and Mister X - Flight Through Europe, inspired by the Jack the Ripper murders and the desperate attempts by Scotland Yard to stop his bloody killing.

Night after night, the player who controls Jack commits a new murder and attempts to reach his hideout, while the other players, in the role of detectives, try to track him down, collecting clues that can lead to his capture. - via Fun Games Cafe}

If you are like me and joy a good board game, here are my favorites, in no particular order:


Settlers of Catan

Ticket to Ride

If you play board games have you played any of the ones I listed as my favorites? Do you have a suggestion for us to try?


  1. lol I had people over on Thursday to play 'ticket to ride' I always lose but I like to screw other people over :p

    Seriously, we are the same person :s

  2. Well we ARE basically sisters:) My friend just bought a new game that is suppose to be similar to ticket to ride, I'll let you know if it is any good.
